No Blues
No Blues의 이 곡 '블랙 캐딜락(Black Cadillac)' 음악 리듬은 미국의 오리지날 블루스에 아랍권의 고전 즉흥연주 형태의 탁심(Taqsim)을 접목시킨 아랍식 라틴 탱고 분위기가 나는 블루스라 한다.
Black Cadillac
She came riding into town
In a big black Cadillac
Staring all them poor boys down
A scorpion tattooed in her neck
She stopped at the wagon wheel
Where you can play your life away
And from the first hand sitting in
She nearly drove them all insane
I was standing on a corner
When I heard my mama warn me
"Stay away from that kind
She's bad news my boy
She'll use you like a toy
And she'll rob you all blind"
I am a bit lonely
Bit lonely-ly-ly
*arabian words*
I have a way of trimming down
Always had a winning him
I'd like to stare them poor boys down
Taking their every single cent
I was standing on a corner
When I heard my mama warn me
"Stay away from that kind
She's bad news my boy
She'll use you like a toy
And she'll rob you all blind"
I was waiting in a car
When she came out of the bar
And said "I could use a ride"
We'll go riding out of town
Staring all them fools down
To that starlet night
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