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Jazz.Blues.Soul.Rock /Jazz.Blues,Soul 개별 곡

해 뜨는 집(The House of The Rising Sun - 니나 시몬(Nina Simone)

복지 - 날마다 좋은 날이 되소서 2024. 12. 18. 06:47

Nina Simone


니나 시몬(Nina Simone)은 1933년생으로 미국 출신의 전설적인 재즈 뮤지션이자 피아니스트이자 인권 운동가였던 흑인 여가수이다. 때로는 거칠고 때로는 달콤한 목소리의 이 정열적 흑인 여가수의 노래들은 전 세계에 걸쳐 재즈와 블루스, 솔로 가장 잘 알려졌지만, 브로드웨이 쇼의 인기곡들과 팝송, 포크송 등 다양한 노래를 불렀다. 4살 때부터 피아노를 치기 시작, 클래식 피아니스트가 되기 위해 뉴욕의 줄리어드 음대에 진학했던 그녀는 가족을 돕기위해 애틀랜틱 시티의 한 술집에서 반주자로 나서면서 노래를 부르기 시작했다. 니나 시몬으로 이름을 바꾼뒤 1950년대 말부터 첫 음반을 내고 나이트클럽 가수로, 그리고 피아니스트, 편곡가, 작곡가로 활약했다. 밥 딜런, 비지스의 곡들도 자기 나름대로 소화해 불러 독특한 창법으로 불러 큰 인기를 끌었다. 


The House of The Rising Sun 


해 뜨는 집


      Nina Simone


There is a house in New Orleans
They call it the Rising Sun
And it's been the ruin of many a poor girl
And me, oh God, I'm one
If I had only listened of what my mama said
I'd be at home today
But bein' so young and foolish, my Lord
Let a gambler lead me astray
Now, my mother is a tailor
She sews those new blue jeans
And my sweetheart is a drunkard, Lord
Drinks down in New Orleans
Now the only thing a drunken man needs
Is a suitcase and a trunk
And the only time he's satisfied
Lord, is when he's on the drunk
Somebody go get my baby sister
Tell her to do, not to do what I have done
But shun that house in New Orleans
They call it the Rising Sun
Well, I'm goin' back to New Orleans
My race is almost run
Yes, I'm goin' back to spend my life
Beneath, beneath, the rising sun