Chris De Burgh
크리스 디 버그(Chris De Burgh)는 잔잔하며 호소력이 짙은 노래로 우수에 가득찬 짙은 음색을 지닌 그는 서정적 포크 성향의 음악과 심포닉적인 아트락, 컨셉위주로 앨범을 발표하여 대중들에겐 호응을 받은영국인이며 출생은 외교관인 아버지를 따라 1948년 아르헨티나에서 태어나 학창시절까지 그곳에서 보냈다. 세계적인 영국 가수가 이란에 가서 공연을 한 최초의 가수이자 자유와 평화 공존을 위해 노력한 가수이며 1974 년에 싱글(Flying)을 발표하면서 화려하게 데뷔무대를 갖고 자신의 상상력과 메시지를 강도있고 확실하게 전달할 수 있는 타고난 재능을 가지고 있는 팝 아티스트이다.
A Waman's Heart
(여자의 마음)
A woman's heart is filled with passion,
A woman's heart is filled with lust,
If you don't believe that these things happen,
Could be the biggest mistake that a man can make;
A woman's night is filled with dreaming,
Of the perfect man who may not be you,
If we don't see what she's been missing,
Could be the biggest mistake that a man can make,
She wants to get near to you,
Don't turn her away,
She wants to get through to you,
She wants to say;
Give me your night,
And I will show you my passion,
Give me your lust,
And I will drink you dry,
Give me your dreams,
And I will show you a lover,
Give me your heart,
and I will hold you close,
And I will love you till the day I die.
A woman's day is filled with longing,
For a little romance and company,
If we don't look or just don't listen,
Could be the biggest mistake that a man can make;
A woman's heart is yours forever,
She will be true, to the one in her life,
If we don't give her love and affection,
Could be the biggest mistake, that a man can make.
She wants to get near to you,
Don't turn her away,
She want's to get through to you,
She want's you to say;
Give me your night,
And I will show you my passion,
Give me your lust,
And I will drink you dry....
Give me your dreams,
And I will show you a lover,
Give me your heart,
and I will hold you close,
And I will love you till the day I die.
She wants to get near to you,
Don't turn her away,
She want's to get through to you,
She want's you to say,
Give me your night
And I will show you my passion,
Give me your lust,
And I will drink you dry....
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