Laura Branigan
로라 브래니건(Laura Branigan)은 1957년생 미국에서 태어나 뉴욕 맨해튼 연극학교를 졸업하고, 70년대 후반부터 캐나다 가수인 레오나르드 코헨을 따라다니며 유럽에서 보조가수로 활동을 시작해 1982년 솔로 가수로 변신한 그녀는 남편과 사별한 뒤 활동을 중단했다가 2001년에 복귀 후 2002년 브로드웨이 뮤지컬인 '러브, 제니스'에서 열연해 뮤지컬 평론가들로부터 극찬을 받기도 하였다. 1982년 발표된 데뷔 앨범 타이틀곡인 '글로리아'로 36주간 팝차트 1위에 올라 그레미상 후보(최우수 여성 팝 가수)로 지명되었고 데뷔 앨범 '브래니건' 포함해 지금까지 모두 7개의 앨범을 발표했으며, 영화 '플래시댄스'와 '고스트버스터즈'의 사운드트랙 음악으로 삽입도 했으나 그녀는 2004년 47세를 일기로 수면 중 뇌동맥류 증세로 세상과 이별하였다.
Gloria, you're always on the run now
Running after somebody,
you gotta get him somehow
I think you've got to slow down
before you start to blow it
I think you're headed for a breakdown,
so be careful not to show it
You really don't remember,
was it something that he said?
Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?
Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'?
If everybody wants you,
why isn't anybody callin'?
You don't have to answer
Leave them hangin' on the line, oh-oh-oh,
calling Gloria
Gloria (Gloria),
I think they got your number (Gloria)
I think they got the alias (Gloria) that
you've been living under (Gloria)
But you really don't remember,
was it something that they said?
Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?
A-ha-ha, a-ha-ha, Gloria,
how's it gonna go down?
Will you meet him on the main line,
or will you catch him on the rebound?
Will you marry for the money,
take a lover in the afternoon?
Feel your innocence slipping away,
don't believe it's comin' back soon
And you really don't remember,
was it something that he said?
Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?
Gloria, don't you think you're fallin'?
If everybody wants you,
why isn't anybody callin'?
You don't have to answer
Leave them hangin' on the line, oh-oh-oh,
calling Gloria
Gloria (Gloria),
I think they got your number (Gloria)
I think they got the alias (Gloria) that
you've been living under (Gloria)
But you really don't remember,
was it something that they said?
Are the voices in your head calling, Gloria?
(Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria)
(Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria, Gloria)
'외국 댄스 > 외국 음악 댄스 개별 곡' 카테고리의 다른 글
Happy Song - 보니엠(Boney M) (0) | 2011.04.21 |
Sexy, Sexy Lover - 모던 토킹 (Modern Talking) (0) | 2011.04.03 |
ELO (Electric Light Orchestra) - Last Train To London (0) | 2011.03.13 |
Hippy Hippy Shake - 스윙 블루 진(Swinging Blue Jeans) (0) | 2011.03.05 |
Fabulous - 안나 비시(Anna Vissi) (0) | 2011.03.01 |