영어 시간 말하기
1.단계: 기본적인 시간표현
2단계: after, past, to를 이용한 시간표현
3단계: a quarter, half를 이용한 시간표현
1단계: It's one o'clock.
2단계: 없음.
3단계: 없음.
1단계: It's one fifteen.
2단계: It's fifteen after one. or It's fifteen past one.
(시간표현에서 after와 past는 동일합니다. 이후 둘중 하나로만 표기합니다.)
3단계: It's a quarter after one.
1단계: It's one twenty.
2단계: It's twenty after one.
3단계: 없음.
1단계: It's one thirty.
2단계: It's thirty after one.
3단계: It's half past one.
1단계: It's one forty.
2단계: It's twenty to two. (시간표현에서 to는 이전을 의미합니다.)
3단계: 없음.
1단계: It's one forty-five.
2단계: It's fifteen to two.
3단계: It's a quarter to two.
12:00 PM
1단계: It is twelve p.m. o'clock. or It's noon.
2단계: 없음.
3단계: 없음.
12:00 AM
1단계: It is twelve a.m. o'clock. or It's midnight.
2단계: 없음.
3단계: 없음.
시간 표현 정리
<1시 기준>
정각 - The time is one o'clock. It's one o'clock.
15분 - It's a quarter past one
45분 - It's a quarter to two (a quarter : 4분의 1이란 뜻)
30분 - It's half past one
30분 전 - It's ten past one. It's twenty past one
30분 후 - It's twenty to two. It's ten to two
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